Spring Salad of Smoked Chicken

Serves: 6

For the Salad Cream 

2 eggs (whole) cooked for 5 minutes

15g Sugar

11g Salt

25ml Water 

55g Chardonnay Wine Vinegar 

50ml Double Cream 

500ml Vegetable 

For the Salad

2 Smoked Chicken Breasts

3 Gem Lettuces

100g Podded New Season Peas 

100g Podded New Season Broad Beans

100g Tiny Jersey Royals cooked in seasoned water

2 Spring Onions, thinly sliced into ice water 

3 Round Radish sliced into ice water 

2 Mustard Cress

4 Asparagus Spears (optional)

3 Fresh Lovage Stems

Chopped Chives 


Blanch and refresh the peas, broad beans and asparagus.

Slice the spring onions and  radishes into ice water.

Make the salad cream in a magimix by blending the egg, salt, sugar and water with the vinegar and slowly pour in the oil.

Finish with the cream and pass the dressing through a sieve.

Pick the chicken breast into strips and reserve.

Pick the leaves from the gem lettuce and reserve.

Place all of the lettuce, potatoes, radish, peas, asparagus and beans into a bowl with the chicken and dress liberally with the salad cream, season with salt and pepper

Dress the salad onto a platter finishing with the lovage and mustard cress and further salad cream from a squeezy bottle.