Lapin au Vin Jaune

Arguably better than chicken for this preparation.

More fat, more farmhouse and a bigger surface area.


Butcher the rabbit into hinds, shoulders and saddle. 

Some parts will overcook and some will be perfect.

Lean into it, it’s an unctuous braise!

Marinade the dried morel for 24 hours in warm water. Seal and brown the rabbit pieces, then remove. Add the sliced onions, bay, and sliced chestnut mushrooms. Next, in goes the sherry vinegar, let this reduce fully.

Next, in with the Vin Jaune wine – sherried and dry, giving and acidic. Reduce this by 1/2. Now the rabbit goes back, the morel, and a sprinkling of prune for sweetness. Now add the chicken stock, and importantly, the morel soaking water. This sees an oven for 90 mins at 160°C.

When finished, rather than taking out, allow to cool in the oven, then refrigerate. The following day, remove the meat, reduce the liquids by 2/3 and add 1/2 the volume in double cream.

Simmer for 10 minutes and finish with chopped parsley, add the rabbit pieces back in to reheat.

I like to serve pilaf rice with this dish, and bread to soak up the delicious sauce.

Bon Appetite

Adam x