Smoked Salmon Canapes
MaKES: Enough for 12 rolls (100 canapes)

1 Side pre-sliced Smoked Salmon from Moxons
150ml Double Cream
100ml Crème Fraiche
½ Bunch Dill chopped finely
Grated Zest of 1 lemon
5g Trout Roe
Pre-sliced Pumpernickel Bread
20g Cream Cheese for spreading
To make the mousse:
First make your 12 even strips with the sliced salmon. Using any trim as salmon for the mousse. Reserve these. Chill your blender in the fridge and add the salmon trim and blend until this becomes a puree. Now add the cream and crème fraiche.
Now add the dill, the zest and the roe and place into a piping bag. Remember to check the seasoning and add lots of black pepper.
Pipe the mousse onto the cut salmon, roll in cling film and store in the freezer.
To serve:
Remove from the freezer, after 15 minutes you can cut the salmon into pieces and lay them onto the pumpernickel.
Decorate each piece with dill, crème fraiche and chives or caviar if you fancy!